Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Trend Continues

We were happy to find out that we are expecting ANOTHER GIRL! Ok, everyone was excited except for Cannon. His comment was, "that's stupid." However, he was quickly reminded that he will be the last one to have to share a room! Sorry - there's only one of him to go around. I'm quite certain that with all these sisters -- he will KNOW how to treat women!


Audra said...

Congratulations! Girls are fun and cute, too bad about Cannon though! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!

The Piet Girls said...

Congratulations! When Alex found out Julia was a girl he broke down at the kitchen table and sobbed. He "just wanted a brother so bad." It broke my heart. He and Julia are the closest of friends.

Miriam said...

Congrats! It's so exciting. How is your pregnancy going? Are you feeling well?
I'll bet your still jogging an hour every day. Keep us posted with how things are going.

Katie said...

That's wonderful! You can never have too many girls! ;)

Eliza said...

Congratulations! What would it even be like?

the Petterson Family said...

That's very true, my cousin is the only boy in the middle of 4 girls and he treats them all with love and respect He is a sweetie. So, great things in store for Cannon!

Cathryn said...

Yay! Congrats to you and your family (even Cannon)!

Betsy said...

HOORAY! (Hey, wanna switch?!?) You guys know how to do 'em right -- another Kerr beauty, comin' right up! I think the Lord is trying to teach Greg to get in touch with his feminine side. :)

GoatesGirl said...

Congrats! You're girls are so darling the more the merrier! At least Cannon can be dads BEST buddy. We're excited for you, anxiously waiting to see if our tie-breaker will be a boy or girl.

Sarah said...

How fun!!!

That's exactly how Lain's family is. He is #2 with 4 sisters! He is a great husband, too!

Cannon will have Greg all to himself for father-son outings! That's great!

I'm just so excited for you guys!

katie said...

That's awesome. I didn't even know you were pregnant. Love Cannon's comment about having another girl-typical boy!

Cannon Clan said...

ohhh congrats! tell cannon he has a brother, his name is when are you going to send him to live with us?

rachel said...

YAY!!! Girls are so much fun and so much cuter to dress!

Sherrie said...

Congrats Tacie! :) Hey, I ran into Greg today at the Shaker Rite Aid...first thought was "Wow, it's been forever!" Second thought was, "oh no! Did I just walk into a hold up or something?" I told Andy and he laughed at me. :) But it wasn't anything big...just a shoplifter. :)

Haley said...

Congrats guys. I am still laughing at Cannon's reaction comment. I bet Treyson would have said the same in that situation. Girls are fun though!! Good luck.

Sue said...

Well congratulations. At least Greg has one comrade in Cannon. I'm alone in this house of testosterone.

You make such gorgeous girls that it was just meant to be. After all you have all the stuff...