Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tower City

Visiting Tower City in downtown Cleveland during the holidays is a hit-and-miss tradition for us. (Is there such a thing as a hit-and-miss tradition?) The first time I went was when Greg and I were newly married and living in Utah. We'd come out for Thanksgiving and went down to see the lights and the soldier with his family.
We missed a few years living on the East side, but have tried to get down there these past few years -- mostly thanks to Jennie and Ted who plan it and then invite us to tag along.
That is what happened yesterday. Greg was at a meeting all day and I just wasn't sure I was up for taking the kids down to the crowds and chaos after Addysen's soccer game. The kids talked me into it however, and we survived thanks to Jennie and Ted's willingness to help keep track of everyone. It was fun -- although disappointing that Tower City didn't have many of their usual decorations (including Bruce the Talking Spruce) on display.

*This post will be more interesting when I can get blogger to accept my pictures. LAME*

1 comment:

H.Cook said...

I love your new family pictures!