Friday, January 23, 2009

Perplexing Round 2

Today as Kenzie, Cambrie and I walked into the doctor's office yet again...(what is this? Our new favorite Friday activity? This time Kenzie has a double ear infection...) a lady stopped me outside the door and said, "What do you have in there?" (Referring to the carseat under my arm which had Cambrie wrapped nice and snuggly inside.)
As she came closer and tried to lift the blanket, I said,"a cow." Given that I said it with a totally straight face, I think I caught her a bit off-guard.

Ok, so I didn't really say that. I'm not that rude. But, what did she think I was going to do...stand in the parking lot with a total stranger on a windy, 30 degree day and take the blanket off my newborn and expose her to the elements?

Give me a break. Or a nap.


Sherrie said...

Awesome Tacie! You really had me going there. I have a pregnant belly and all of a sudden complete strangers feel they have the right to pat, touch, make weird comments about your belly. You have the newborn outside of your tummy and now they feel they have the right to kiss, touch, look at, hold it. People are just plain weird sometimes!!!

Audra said...

You should have said it! It's a car seat of course a baby will be in it! She sounds like an idiot!

Sue said...

You're so funny. Take a nap - it's well earned. Addysen will take care of things while you're sleeping.

Aaron and Jessie said...

What? Who just does that? wierd lady, you probably do need a nap, but that's still wierd.

Lisa said...

That's great! It would have been fun to see her face if you had really said that in response.