Friday, January 16, 2009

She Completes Us

Several people have asked where Cambrie's name came from.
The honest answer is, "I don't really know." However, the cool, creative answer is as follows:
C annon
A ddysen
M ackenzie
B rynnley
R obert (Greg's first name)
E (TacIE)

We can't take the credit for it (thanks Lani)...but it's what we're going to tell people from here on out.


The Lassen Family said...

That is the sweetest thing! And Cambrie is such a cutie! I can't believe how much she looks like Greg in that first picture.

The Beards said...

Wow, all of a sudden she really looks like the other kids!!!! She is so cute!!!

Betsy said...

Okay, that's so cool! She is DARLING! So are you "complete?" Wishing and hoping I am. :)