Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Decipher This

I asked Cambrie what she wanted for lunch and she replied with a very matter-of-fact, "poop." 
Thinking I certainly must have misunderstood, I asked her again. She replied, "poop."
After pursuing the matter a bit further...turns out that "SOUP" and "poop" sound very similar with her not-quite-two-year-old pronunciation skills.

Needless to say, I served her the soup.

I'm still trying to figure out what Kenzie's preschool class will really be singing next week in their concert. She's wandering around the house singing, "He'll be driving APE ON REINDEER when he comes..."

Any ideas?

1 comment:

MetroParks said...

My mom learned the hard way that "poop" in two year old speak is "soup" when my little brother kept yelling it in the grocery store and then proceeded into a full out "poop" yelling tantrum until she figured it out.

So funny and she is soooo incredibly beautiful!!!