Monday, January 23, 2012

Definitely blog worthy

Yesterday, Kenzie was having trouble staying focused on the task at hand: getting ready for church. I knew she had gone to bed at a decent time. (While at the mall, she had declared, "I'm really tired and want to go to bed early tonight." What kind of mother would NOT comply with that request?) And yet, she just couldn't stay out of my bedroom and get ready for church. She kept coming in saying she really, really needed to show me something downstairs. (I was afraid that if I went downstairs, I wouldn't make it back upstairs in time to get ready for church.)
Finally I said, "Is it good or bad, because I don't want to start my day with something bad." (We'd had a leak from the ceiling on Friday.) Upon her insistence that it was "really good," I went down to the kitchen and this is what I discovered:

 Apparently, Brynnley and Kenzie woke up - or stayed awake -- (although I checked on them around 10:30 and I would swear they had been asleep) around 11pm and went downstairs to make breakfast for everyone. Yes, breakfast was made at 11pm.
We discovered a delectable selection of cinnamon toast for each of the kids (who cares that it had been on the counter for 8-9 hours?), waffles on the "MAN PLATE" for Greg, and a carefully thought out salad (complete with cucumbers, carrots, turkey and sunflower seeds) for me.
These two little sweethearts made a decorated name place for each person (including themselves), complete with our last name, lest we get confused. (See MOM KERR picture above). And, just to make sure we could find our way around all the deliciousness, we had arrows taped along the counters to guide us to our spots. (They even pointed out that they purposely placed my seat next to Greg's.) They were so proud of themselves...(Brynnley pointed out that they would have waited until midnight but Kenzie kept falling asleep. She also pointed out that Kenzie was really worried they would get in trouble -- especially after Brynnley told her that when people hear noises downstairs during the night, they think they have an intruder in their house.)
Talk about a way to start out the day.
And, in other news, Greg was set apart as the 2nd counselor in the Bishopric yesterday. We have the greatest respect and admiration for our Bishop and other counselor, so we are excited about this great opportunity he will have to learn and serve. His dad was able to perform the ordination and then Greg was set apart by Pres. Snyder of the Stake Presidency. Both blessings were really neat and I only wish I could have written down the details. I will never forget, however, the feeling that our entire family received a blessing through Greg as he was set apart. It was definitely a memorable day. And the fact that the kids were quiet and sat still for so long made it even better.


H.Cook said...

What sweet little girls!! Not surprising that they are so thoughtful and smart, like their mom!

Good luck with the bishopric calling!

Betsy said...

Okay, that's awesome! I love it! How cute is that?!? I am excited for Greg (but not you) and his new calling. :) It gets better. Promise.

Katie said...

I LOVE THIS!! How funny that they did this the night before, but it is even funnier that they made you a salad!! Haha, love it!