Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Track 2012

100 meter hurdles vs. Midview - started so well.

Addysen was in the lead.

And then, sadly, disaster struck. She said she timed her step wrong and slammed the hurdle and fell into another lane.

On the ground, hurting, and trying to figure out what the heck happened.

But, she got up.

And finished strong.

This kid -- Demario - is incredible to watch. He's got some serious speed.

Addysen went on to win the 200 meter hurdles after her fall. Her relay team took 3rd.

North Olmsted Relays -- hurdle shuttle

Addysen hates the pictures that look like she is "power walking" in between hurdles.

The day after the fall.

Sometimes the track meets are just too long for little girls to handle.

Racing the 200 meter dash -- against her friend, Danielle. (vs. Fairview)

Danielle beat Addysen by mere tenths of a second. If you are going to take 2nd...might as well have your friend take 1st.

With 4 track meets down in the first week -- the girls have won 2, lost one and participated in the North Olmsted Relays. Addysen has had several first place finishes in the 100m hurdles and the 200 meter hurdles. She's taken 2nd and 3rd (losing to Danielle both times) in the 200 meter dash. Her relay team took 3rd yesterday - -and she would have placed first in the 100 meter hurdles if disaster hadn't struck and she'd fallen. Good lessons come from falling though...things that can't be learned from taking 1st. (She's sitting right here and not agreeing with that statement.)

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