Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Don't you wish your kitchen looked like mine?

For more time than I would care to admit...we've had a "bad guy" (Cambrie's words) lurking in our kitchen ceiling. As happens most often, it started small enough...and without receiving the proper attention...continued to grow and grow and grow. Two weeks ago -- when it started "raining" in the kitchen, I had had enough.

You might imagine the ever-so-pleasant conversations we had about getting the problem fixed. I was resigned to the fact that there was no other way to resolve the problem than to hack into the ceiling and find the culprit. I was also resigned to the fact that I might have to live with a hole in my ceiling for oh-say...the next 4-6 years. (I know, I know,  you are thinking I am being a bit dramatic...but I promise you, I'm not. Past history of plumbing problems in Kerr kitchens has more than proven that once a hole is there...there is little-to-no sense of urgency when it comes to covering it back up. Just ask anyone who ever visited our old house from say, 2002-2008.)

Yesterday, Greg's friend came and conducted the hatchet job. (Kenzie came into the office and under her breath whispered, "Uh, Mom, you should probably come and see what Dad and his friend are doing in the kitchen.) Lo and behold...they found the problem in a matter of minutes. Seems a faulty seal on the master toilet was the problem. Seems a certain builder should have done it right in the first place. Seems that the floor boards are slightly uneven -- thus causing the water to cascade down the seems. It also seems I somehow got 'blamed' as someone made the comment, "Well, now you know why it's wet every morning -- you go to the bathroom all night long." Hmmm...go figure. All I can is, "You give birth to 5 children -- all of which are nearly 9 pounds or more at birth and see how it affects YOUR bladder." Yeah. Score one for me. Good come back.

One trip (yes -- only ONE) to Home Depot, $5 and a few minutes later...no more leak. This story might just have a decent ending. G's friend said he'd come back on Wed. to patch the ceiling. He's a little worried about matching the texture....as am I...but we'll address that issue when it happens. Right now, I'm trying not to get too excited to think that I might not have to live with a hole in my ceiling until Addysen enters college.

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Katie said...

haha..i can understand how projects don't ever get finished. my parents are STILL working on their home...18 years later!