Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A little of this

We've had a little of this...and a little of that going on around here. Around 3am Friday morning, Greg woke me by saying, "I'm freezing. Do you think it's cold in here?" Somewhere in the midst of my deep-in-sleep conversation, I think I said something to the effect of, "are you sick?"

Around 4:30am  -- he got up for work. I called him around 8:30 am -- while taking Kenzie to school. I honestly couldn't remember if we'd had the conversation or not....since Kenzie and Brynnley both took turns coming in and waking me up -- telling me they were hungry of all things. (I promise, my kids do get fed...even real meals now that I am no longer working.)

Turns out, he was sick -- with bronchitis -- and he was on his way home. He then spent the entire weekend alternating between sleep, hacking up a lung and trying to get his fever down.

Good to know I don't just talk in my sleep.

Oh -- and speaking of Greg -- he got to spend a lovely -- very restful - -night at a sleep clinic about two weeks ago. Too bad I don't have the picture on this computer. I'm not sure how well most people would sleep with 27 probes attached to their chest and face.  Not to mention a lady yelling at you every time you tried to turn to your side.

Turns out he has sleep apnea and gets to go back for more tests.

Glad to know there is a diagnosis and possible treatment. Also glad to know there might be a chance of snoreless nights somewhere down the line.

1 comment:

H.Cook said...

Hope you're all healthy for Thanksgiving! Happy holidays!