Saturday, April 30, 2011

Is it all about the weather?

I realize I am way behind on my blogging. My blog has gone the way of our old-time family of birthdays and Christmas....that is what our life was reduced down too...or so it seemed. My blog seems to have turned into a weather-blog.
What can I say? Life gets busy.
Or around gets windy.
Just ask the neighbor from across the street. This is what happened Wednesday night when the winds decided to kick it up a notch...or two...or three.
This wasn't the only tree-fatality. Kind of sad to drive around town and see how many trees -- large trees -- were broken or completely uprooted with the wind storms. just have some sunshine and blue skies.

1 comment:

Season said...

I hear ya. We just got our annual end-of-April snow storm—with the super heavy snow that always breaks branches off of all the dainty trees that had just started to bloom up for spring. Always makes me so sad. Stinking winter.