Thursday, July 12, 2012

How did we ever do hair without YouTube?

I'm sure I've posted about this before...but with 4 beautiful daughters...people give me compliments all the time. (I can say that,'s my blog.) People always tell me how cute my girls hair looks. Of course, I smile and say thank you...and then I am compelled to say that beyond a pony tail, pig tails or the occasional braid -- I can't take any credit.
Addysen is my girls personal stylist.
She gets her ideas from YouTube and then practices on her usually-very-willing sisters.
Recently, when Cambrie was getting a haircut, Addysen begged me not to put in layers as it would be so much more difficult for her to put fancy braids in Cambrie's hair.
Of course, I obliged.
I'm not stupid. Why would I want to mess up a clearly good thing for all of us?

This isn't even all of the hair-do's....but I am too lazy to get the rest of the pictures off my phone right now.
Stay tuned for pictures of the fancy nail polish we've got going on around here. (Actually...Addysen is the only one with fancy nail polish going on.)


H.Cook said...


Season said...

So cute! I'm such a failure in the hair styling department. Even WITH youtube. I need Addysen to come do Clara's hair, because the only variation Clara gets is how high or low her pigtails are.