Friday, January 9, 2009

You Poor, Pathetic Woman...

Ok, so no one actually said the words...but I got "The LOOK" more than once...along with many "You've certainly got your hands full" comments.

We wouldn't have been out at all, if it weren't for the fact that we were out of toilet paper and we were waiting for yet another prescription to be filled. (Having just come from the doctor for the third time in a week...3 different appointments for 3 different children... we found ourselves wandering around Walmart. We might as well get to know the office staff by name, not to mention the names of the pharmacists.)

By my accounts (and I would know...having traversed the aisles of Walmart with 4 onry children and no other parental help on many ocassions...) we were doing really well. We'd managed to get to a 9 am appointment - despite not enough sleep last night. (So what that it was only 10 am and my girls were on round 2 of sugar-loaded lollipops!) Of course, I didn't shower before leaving the house...but that is only a minor detail.

Kenzie is a there was no debate about her riding in the cart. Brynnley has a hurt leg (thus, the incident that prompted today's visit to the doctor), so she opted to ride in the cart as well. Cambrie was starving and had no interest in riding in the cart. So...I carried her on my arm, bouncing intermittently on my hip, throughout the process. (Who needs exercise when you have carseats with 9 pound babies testing your biceps?)

Since we were already only made sense to grab a few groceries, right? But, where to put them when you have 3 children, one purse and a diaper bag to carry? It wasn't pretty, but my dad should be proud that somewhere along the lines of motherhood, I have learned to "pack" things rather well. 

Overall, we got our prescriptions, $175 worth of groceries (it wasn't all junk food - although the picture seems to depict otherwise), crazy looks and sympathetic stares...along with a picture for our blog.

We finished up with a quick trip through McDonalds -- even though it wasn't even 11:30am. Was it a bribe? Not wasn't for the girls...but for me. The morning's adventures took a toll on my energy level - and I wasn't interested in going home to make lunch.

I'm counting this as one of the "good" days.


Miriam said...

The picture says a thousand words. You are brave.

Audra said...

Wow! I feel bad for you. You should get one of those kids seats that are in front of the cart that look ridiculous and hard to maneuver!

Cannon Clan said...

you poor, pathetic woman.....i look just like you! we should shop together and then we would really get some crazy comments. WHY when we look like that do people have to say wow you have your hands full! ye-ah! duh!

Betsy said...

TACIE!!! This is exactly what I have been avoiding all day. . . but off I go to Walmart this afternoon because we're out of everything. I FEEL YOUR PAIN and am so sorry --because I know first hand just how crappy it is. Oh, the things we do in the name of motherhood.

Jonelle Hughes said...

Girl- my prayers are with you!!! Lie down with that baby... in your bed and don't get up!!!!

GoatesGirl said...

You go girl! When people tell me I have my hand's full I just look at them and say "Yep, & my heart's full too!"

I love that I'm not the only one that gets the comments or looks.

You're a great mom- keep it up!

D.Suth. said...

Hey, I don't think I've said congratulations yet on your new addition to your family!
We are so happy for you!
Thanks for the announcement.

We miss you guys in the ward!

Sherrie said...

Tacie, when you're out there surviving and doing an amazing job of it and complete strangers feel that it's their duty to say ridiculous things like "boy, you sure do have your hands full!" it's so hard not to say something like...."'re not too bright, are you?" duh!

Just for the are amazing!