Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Momentary Lapse? Or Permanent State?

Last night while making dinner, my mom called to report the results of my dad's surgery. (He's fine)

While chatting, several kids interrupted. Even still, I thought I was doing rather well to get dinner all together (knowing Greg would be walking in the door any minute.) Aside from almost burning the rolls (the timer went off - but I momentarily forgot why I had set it), dinner came together all at the same time. (Beef stroganoff, rolls, corn, and beans.) I even managed to set the table while talking and cooking.

So...imagine my dismay (and my family's) when, a few minutes later (I was off the phone) everyone was seated at the table, food was being dished out...and I discovered that I had completely forgotten to make the rice! Spaced it 100%! Not once did it register in my mind to even start boiling water! Never has 5-Minute Rice seemed to take so long....

Can I blame this on pregnancy? Do I dare hope this is not a permanent state of mind? Or should I just resign myself to the fact that this is how it will go from here on out?

*PS -Never mind the fact that despite Addysen's constant reminders, we missed soccer registration last week. If it weren't for a good friend making a phone call on our girls wouldn't be playing this Fall.

Perhaps I should go and check when the libary books are due to be returned....
And which day does school actually start next week?


Amy Franklin said...

Sounds a little too familiar! Can't imagine throwing another pregnancy into the chaos. Only difference is, I know EXACTLY when the first day of school is! No way I'm forgetting that one!

Betsy said...

Oh, how we live the same life! I've been there way too many times to admit. I wonder too if it's permanent -- but at least we're in it together! :)

katie said...

Oh I can so relate to the pregnant mind. What is it with the forgetfulness. I just hope my mind comes back sometimes in my life.