Thursday, December 11, 2008

Note to Self

Note to Self:
Do not let this new baby become attached to any inanimate object in her bed. That means no special blankets, stuffed animals, books...nothing.
That way, when she is two, and gets sick during the night...clean-up will be SO much easier.

Given that in the last 4 days, Greg has spent 48 hours in bed with a fever and cough, and that Kenzie has thrown up...I've decided I should start praying to remain pregnant until March...when the germs of winter have started to subside.

March?!? Who I am kidding? This is Northeast Ohio...I better pray I am pregnant until May!

Are December babies born with EXTRA strong immune systems?


The Piet Girls said...

What were we thinking? December babies, REALLY!!! Katie didn't get sick when she was a baby if that's any comfort. She gets sick now though just like every one else. Just keep the baby covered til May, it's almost as good as the womb.

Sherrie said...

AHHH!!! I'm so sorry that your family has been sick Tacie! I hope they all get better really fast, and that your baby has super-immunity powers! :)

Cannon Clan said...

why does everyone get sick all at the same time? i'm sorry, wish i could bring you some green chilli stew.

katie said...

I am sorry-the sick bugs stink. Brinklee already has her first cold @ 4 weeks-so SAD! I need your new address for a Christmas card email me @