Monday, December 8, 2008

While You Were Sleeping

I'll openly admit it: I love naps. I NEED naps. I'm not just talking about naps for my children...but for myself as well. Whenever possible, I plan our schedule around naps. Naps are particularly critical these days...since contractions (which only bring about lost sleep and irritability, not a beautiful new baby) and sleeping with a very large beachball-like stomach keep me awake for a good majority of the nighttime hours.

I'm pretty sure Kenzie needs naps as well. She's been getting up around 6:15 am - -coming into the bedroom asking for breakfast. (The fact that it is pitch dark outside does not phase her.) By the time we take Brynnley to preschool at 8:30, she's talking about being tired. A good indication of needing a nap, right?

So, every day, after lunch, it's naptime around here. And today was no different.

I put Kenzie down and proceeded to waddle myself into my room. After my 18-point maneuver of adjusting the body pillow, the pillow behind my back, the two pillows under my head, and catching my breath...I was out. (That 2.5 hours of 4-5 minute apart contractions last night really did me in.)

An hour and a half later, I was awake. Kenzie's door was still closed...if that doesn't signify a sleeping child, what does?

Now let's skip ahead to bedtime. The kids couldn't find the toothpaste - -but Kenzie knew exactly where it was. She quickly climbed into her bed and proceeded to withdraw the following:
* 4 tubes of toothpaste
* her toothbrush
* 17 q-tips, as well as the glass jar that holds them
* Cannon's Star Wars stickers
* Cannon's glow sticks
* Brynnley's purple lip gloss
* Brynnley's pink lip gloss
* 4 books
* 3 diapers
* 7 hair clips and rubberbands
* 2 hair bows
* 5 stuffed animals
* Addysen's drawing
* Brynnley's spider ring and bee necklace

At this point, I quit keeping track. 

So much for naptime...

I thought about taking a picture...but decided I was too tired to walk up and down the stairs. Besides, it's pathetic enough that I blog about our daily "adventures"...I should leave something to the imagination as far as the visuals are concerned. (Of course, there is always the slight possibility that the readers in cyberspace will envision something worse than the current state of the little girls room....but that would require quite the imagination.)

Ahh...and now I am putting Kenzie back in bed for the 3rd time...after we change a diaper.

Labor and delivery aren't sounding so bad right now...


Betsy said...

Oh, I feel ya, sister. Naps are totally what my day is scheduled around, too. Hang in there. I love your description of getting into bed. That is SO me. I am going to save this post in my permanent file just in case I think I ever want another baby. This last pregnancy may have just done me in. For the record, the sleep is not much better at this end, but at least I'm back down to just one pillow! :) Good luck!!

Amy said...

Oh, my goodness, Max does the same thing! I found a collection of half-eaten, stale buns that he's been sneaking up to snack on during naptime under the bed . . . ew!

Sherrie said...

I'm with ya on the nap thing! Matthew just learned that he can climb out of his crib though, so now his "naps" have been more like McKenzie's. :) hmm...

Cannon Clan said...

i love nap time, but i cant help to do things instead of lay down. i really could use a good snooze too.

The Piet Girls said...

That is making me crack up! That is Julia. I never know what I'm going to find in her bed when I wake up in the morning. Who knows how long she stays up at night. I only know that I had to give the girls their own room because she was keeping Katie up all night and Katie was a GROUCH!!!!! Julia meanwhile, was busy putting on lip gloss, singing to her teddy bears, coloring, glueing stuff together and playing school.

Jonelle Hughes said...

Oh Tacie... Hang in there! For some reason this pregnancy with baby number 5 has been one long contraction. I have never had this many in all my labors put together! I am all for the naps. I take a 20 minute power nap with my meditation cd almost daily. Relax and enjoy these last few days or weeks of pregnancy. Savor this time and this season. I know it is hard, but focusing on that helps me ignore the massive pillow arranging just to get comfortable, the strategically placed leg placement and those darn shooting pains and ligaments stretching! I keep thinking, I know I was not this uncomfortable with my twins at almost full term... but yeah, I think I was!

Audra said...

She is a hoot! I loved your Christmas card, thanks for sending us one!