Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sis. Lowry

It was with sadness in our hearts that we attended Sis. Jean Lowry's funeral tonight. She died suddenly of a heart attack last Saturday at the age of 64. She had served in the Primary for many years and was currently serving as both Addysen's and Cannon's teacher. Needless to say, her passing came as quite a shock.

Just last month, the kids came home from a primary activity with a bunch of clothes, games and other items that Sis. Lowry had given them. My last conversation with her before she died was in the bathroom (since I spend a good majority of my time in the bathroom at church, this seems to be where some of most heartfelt conversations take place!) She thanked me for the thank you card the kids had written and decorated. She said it really meant a lot to her and she appreciated their efforts sending it. How glad I was that we didn't procrastinate that card...unlike so many others.

Recently, I passed around a volunteer sign-up sheet asking for help with our December Enrichment (or whatever we're supposed to call it now.) Not to take anything away from the many, many, women who signed up and offered their help and was interesting to note that Sis. Lowry was the only person who volunteered specifically to help clean-up. I appreciate everyone's willingness to help and her example has been a good topic of conversation with my kids this week.

Tonight on the way home, a teary-eyed Addysen said, "I didn't think I would cry so much. And, I would like to grow up to be like Sis. Lowry. People said some really nice things about her."

We didn't know her well, but she touched our lives for good...and for that, we'll always be grateful.

1 comment:

Amy Franklin said...

Sis. Lowry has left a legacy of service and love. She touched all of our lives, including the children. We've had a lot of conversations this week, too, and I am just so grateful that my kids got to have her in their lives, if even for a little bit.