Thursday, March 4, 2010

Addysen's Birthday

Before we get too far into March, I figured I should post a picture of Addysen's 11th birthday last Thursday. The entire week was insane -- and we knew it was going to be. So, in anticipation of all the upcoming activities -- and given that Greg was scheduled to work every night -- we celebrated early with a trip to the mall.

The mall?

Yes, although not a "party year," Addysen eagerly anticipated her 11th birthday for marked "the year" that she would be allowed to get her ears pierced. She picked out some cute little diamond studs and barely even flinched when the earrings went in.

Upon finishing, I told her she could pick out a couple of pairs of earrings. Her response as we wandered to the "pierced" section of Claire's?

"I've always wanted to be able to look in this section."

Earrings, combined with some new jeans (since everything else seems to have become floods), made for a Happy Birthday on Saturday -- 5 days before the actual day.


Season said...

Ah yes. The awaited ear piercing year. It's a BIG deal. How fun for her!

Chatty Family said...

Sydney is sooooo jealous of the earrings! I am trying to hold her off until 12 or 13. Addysen looks super cute though and says she has been taking good care of them. I still have a few more months to decide :) Happy Birthday Addysen!

Unknown said...

I can't believe she is eleven (not that mine won't be in two months but it's still weird to think about!) Sorry I can't keep up with blogging, work, kids, life........ You don't get much on our family but I enjoy keeping up with yours!