Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Should this really take 45 minutes?

Look closely and see if you can figure out what is wrong with these pictures. Oh, what's that? It's obvious the dishes are dirty? Good observation. Now would be the ideal time to tell you that this is how I found the CLEAN dishes after Brynnley had dish duty.

Pay particular attention to the sippy cup in exhibit #1...Yes, you are viewing that correctly...the lid is still on. I guess she thinks that the soap lemonade (see exhibit #2) is perfectly acceptable.As for the chocolate in the plastic container...well, let's just say, "not quite cutting it."

As if having to inspect each and every dish isn't time consuming enough...interruptions such as, "Mom! I can't find my other shoe," and "Mom! I need a snack," and "MOM! Did you fill out my field trip permission form?" only add to the process. Oh, and did I mention the delays of getting breakfast for Cambrie, straightening someone's (or many someone's) hair, finding yet another shoe, checking the computer to see about the weather, checking the calendar to see what the day holds, mixed in with yet another, "MOM! My bus is coming!"

Who says that multi-tasking is a good thing?

PS - As I attempted to post this, a certain someone who shall remain nameless is reading over my shoulder, critiquing my grammar and my writing. No wonder this is taking 5 times longer than it should.


Amy Franklin said...

Wait a minute--I think you were actually writing about MY house! Seriously, I am pretty sure that everything in your post describes what goes on around here to a T. I just don't get it...

The Piet Girls said...

I'm just impressed that your kids have dish duty. Hey the outside of that sippy cup looks clean enough to me! You're the best mom I know to teach your kids how to do dishes. They'll get all the details ironed out as they go.

H.Cook said...

Oh goodness. I guess I'm wrong in thinking life will be easier when the kids are in school.

Betsy said...

Oh my hilarious. For me. Not you. But only because I live it too. Hang in there! ;)