Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A moment of levity

The title of this post is in honor of my "Words with Friends" games that I am playing with my siblings and spouse. Of course, my spouse and brother cheat...but we won't go there right now. That is really all that has to do with this post...

Yesterday was the funeral of Sister Pat Fulkroad, a lady in our ward who passed away much too young. I was helping in the kitchen (or at least, attempting to help) and had Cambrie and Kenzie with me at the church. They were supposed to be in the nursery watching a movie.

Imagine my surprise when the door to the nursery came flying open and Kenzie came charging out...pulling Cambrie...a STARK NAKED CAMBRIE, I might add...by the hand...heading straight for the gym where all of the mourning family and friends were eating.

Lucky for me, I have cat-like reflexes and I  quickly scooped up my daughter by her bare naked little bum, (all while she giggled and laughed her charming little head off) and transplanted her back into the nursery where we promptly redressed her in a dress without SNAPS. (Nope, that darling little Gap dress with snaps down the front will no longer be a part of her wardrobe!) She was put into a pretty little pink number with buttons all the way up the back!

It was a nice idea to think that I might be able to help at the funeral...but who was I kidding? My girls know how to open doors. They were well behaved...but without other kids...they weren't interested in staying in the nursery by themselves.

Oddly enough...2-YEAR-OLD-STREAKER wasn't listed on the program as part of the luncheon entertainment.
We quickly packed up and headed home for naps.


Betsy said...

Classic. I am sorry to be laughing. ;)

thekerrclan said...

No apologies please! We were all laughing as well. I'm sure the lady who passed away would have gotten a chuckle out of it. In fact, as morbid as it sounds, it prompted me to text my brother and tell him that I wanted humor at my funeral and I was putting him on notice as a speaker. :)

Chatty Family said...

I was there and I didn't see any of that! Either that or I'm just jaded. Sometimes the circus just comes to town. Like, in Office Max when Porter slammed his head into a display desk and the lady wanted me to fill out an incident report. Screaming, 40 pound five year old on my hip, I'm starting to sweat and I have to fill out what? Kids, just get in the clown car.

The Piet Girls said...

Thanks for the good laugh today Tacie. I agree, I definitely want humor at my funeral. When Alex was about 3 my brother left on his mission. At his open house in my mom's backyard, my son had to use the bathroom so he pulled down his pants and went right in the fountain. There were only about 100people there. That's all.