Thursday, June 16, 2011

Family Goals Part 1

In Family Home Evening a few months ago, we talked about goal-setting. We each set some individual goals -- as well as some family goals. One of our family goals was to FINALLY have a garage sale. We have accumulated way too much stuff. (What, you mean everyone doesn't store refrigerators, stoves and dishwashers in their garage? Thank you rental properties.)

Anyway - - this week we are participating in the city-wide garage sale days. Given that we don't actually have room in the garage to set anything up (thank you large appliances for taking up space!), I couldn't really set anything out to get ready yesterday.

 And, given that it was supposed to rain....and we didn't get home from Cannon's baseball game until nearly midnight (yes - midnight!), I wasn't up and at 'em at the crack of dawn. It all worked out though. We had a good day -- despite the storm that moved in about 3:30.  No longer will I be storing appliances in my garage!

What our driveway looked like about 10 minutes before a massive thunderstorm.

 We'll see what tomorrow - -and Saturday brings (hopefully people who are looking for lots and lots of clothing items - -starting at .25!)

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