Saturday, June 2, 2012

Memorial Day Part 2

We followed up the parade with a BBQ at Kerr's. Given that Aaron & Jessie - -and their 4 girls - are in town for awhile...we had the makings for some pretty intense games of Dodgeball. Certain people -- who shall remain nameless -- have since declared that they will no longer play dodgeball -- due to the severe soreness that followed on Tuesday...and the fact that they had to ice their arms afterwards.
To those certain people - who shall remain nameless - -we simply say, "Perhaps if you didn't try to kill someone every time you threw the ball...your arm would be fine."
No sympathy here.
Good thing for us...Grandpa invested a small fortune on "pain free" dodgeballs to use at the family reunion in a few weeks.

Consider yourselves warned.

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