Wednesday, June 27, 2012

More from Nauvoo

Outside Carthage Jail where Joseph and Hyrum Smith were killed.

They said these statues were life-sized. Greg couldn't believe how big Joseph and Hyrum were.

Taking a ride on a wagon pulled by oxen.

The girls were fascinated by the statues in the Women's Garden.

Just your average 11-yr.-old boy pretending to have a pig nose.

"Rendevous Nauvoo" the play that the senior missionaries put on. The woman on the left is Simone's mom. Her parents started serving their mission in Nauvoo in March -- thus...the Nauvoo wedding setting.

In the blacksmith's shop -- the kids loved their "prairie diamonds" -- also known as rings made from horseshoes.

Nauvoo Brass Band

Playing pioneer games

I think many of the adults (not including myself) were pretty good on the stilts. I felt like I was had a disadvantage in flip-flops..until Jessie shot that theory out the window. If I recall, Aaron was the master stilt walker.

Learning to make rope in the family living center.

A picture of a picture in our hotel. This painting really caught my attention. I've often thought, "what if I found myself in a situation where I couldn't save all of my children?" I can't imagine what this poor women -- the pioneer women in general -- had to go through to get to Zion. Their stories are truly inspirational.

Three hot, sweaty little cousins...waiting in the Welcome Center until the marriage ceremony was over.

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