Wednesday, April 1, 2009

We've got ourselves a comedian

I should have known something was up when Cannon came downstairs this morning and immediately got himself some breakfast. Coming downstairs quickly isn't the issue. It's the getting himself some breakfast that he struggles with. Usually, he'll wander around the kitchen, opening doors and cupboards, chatting away...without ever getting some food. It usually takes many comments from me...which become stricter sounding the more times I have to say it...before he'll grab a bowl of cereal or some fruit. Often, he'll put waffles in the toaster about 7 minutes before the bus is due to drive down the street.

But no, not today. He quickly poured himself some cereal and sat down to eat as the rest of us streamed in and went about our morning routine.

Kenzie said she wanted Bran Flakes so I grabbed a bowl and began pouring her some. I did a double-take when Wheat Chex filled her bowl. I checked the box again to see if I had grabbed the wrong one (they are both blue boxes)...and then I realized...It's April Fools. About that time, I looked up to see one "oh-so-proud-of-himself-smiling-8-year-old." He could hardly contain his excitement.

Then, he quickly pointed out that he had switched ALL of the cereals into different boxes. What a jokester!

Good thing we don't pour our milk first.

Oh - and how's this for another April Fool's joke? I just posted this on Addysen's blog. Skip the April -- just go for the fool.


Season said...

I love that idea! I'm going to try it sometime. What'll be extra funny is that it won't even be April Fool's Day. And I wasn't able to see Addysen's blog...I need another invite!

Sherrie said...

That is an AWESOME idea Cannon! I'll have to remember that one for next year.