Thursday, June 26, 2008

Time for a Haircut

Addysen got it in her head (no pun intended) that she really needed her haircut. She begged and begged every day last week. Since I haven't taken the time to schedule my own appointment since January, it was not tops on my list of things to do.

So, on Saturday, we took matters into our own hands. 

Despite the wind, and quickly drying hair...we played "salon."

And I saved at least $20.

1 comment:

rachel said...

You did a great job! I love that picture of Kenzie and Addysen together, what cuties!!!
I tried to cut Connor's hair last week. It was more hysterical than effective. I only got half way around his head and he looked so ridiculous I had to break down and call a professional to finish the job.