Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Finish Line -- Of Sorts

Saturday marked the "official" final day of my P90-X workouts. For the record -- I liked the program. 

"P90X is a revolutionary system of 12 sweat-inducing, muscle-pumping workouts, designed to transform your body from regular to ripped in just 90 days...The secret behind the P90X system is an advanced training technique called "Muscle Confusion," which accelerates the results process by constantly introducing new moves and routines so your body never plateaus, and you never get bored!...All you really need is some 'grit-your-teeth' commitment."

I can't say that my body was transformed from "regular to ripped," but I did feel like there was good variety which kept my muscles confused (translate to sore) on a somewhat regular basis.

When I first made the commitment to this program, I had great visions of being able to say (upon completion) that I worked out faithfully, for a minimum of 1 hour a day, 6 days a week for 90 days. Unfortunately, as the saying goes: Life gets in the way when you are busy making other plans. It turns out I missed 9 total days....two doctors appointments, 2 cleaning days when company was coming to town (and no - these are not the only two days I've cleaned in the past 3+ months!) 3 days of early morning soccer and 2 days I can't account for off the top of my head. 

(A side note about the soccer days: I REALLY tried. I set the alarm for 6:00 on Saturday morning. For anti-morning me....getting up earlier for soccer than we did on school days...something is wrong with that picture! And, knowing that my day, on those 3 particular Saturdays in May, wouldn't end until about 11pm at night...I just couldn't do it. Sleep won out.)

Phase I went relatively well. I really liked most of the workouts, and, since Greg was still a participant at this point, I even embraced the nutrition aspects. I found myself much so that I did double workouts most of the days -- following the P90-X with a couple of miles on the treadmill. (Therefore, I am not beating myself up too badly for the 9 missed workouts.)

I even started to see some results by way of lost pounds, increased muscle and energy and body fat loss. (I'll spare you my numbers -- suffice it to say that I've found I have to be grateful for small things.)

We quickly moved to Phase II, adjusted the nutrition requirements and continued to "do our best and forget the rest." Unfortunately, it was about this time that Greg left town for SWAT training...and his P90-X experience was put on "indefinite hold."

Aside from the yoga (sorry, hanging upside for extended periods of time really gives me a headache), I continued to enjoy the workouts. Unfortunately though, by the time I would get on the treadmill, my energy seemed to be waning. The manual warned about this...a sort of hitting the wall kind of feeling. So, thinking it was normal, I pushed on.

But, it seemed my "wall" turned into a mountain. After about three days of feeling like my body was giving out on me, I really wondered what was going on. I felt like I couldn't move. It wasn't the sore muscles that made me want to crawl back under the covers...but the EXTREME fatigue...and the nausea. 

And it was about that time that we found out we are expecting child #5.

As for P90-x...I continued on and completed the program. I really did like it. Although, I must say, some days it was hard enough just to get out of bed....working out in between rounds of nausea and unbelievable fatigue added a whole new dimension to the challenge.

And, since I did the entire thing pregnant, my "results" aren't quite what I had hoped for. I guess I'll just have to commit to doing it again -- hopefully next year at this time.

So, although the P90-X finish line was crossed....I feel like we are just starting a whole new -- and even greater challenge.



Chatty Family said...

Congratulations on your exciting news! Your arm looks pretty buff too!

H.Cook said...

you go, girl!!!! Congrats, I hope your pregnancy goes better than usual!

Audra said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting!

Jennifer said...

How fabulous!!! I'm way excited for you... wow - 5 kids... strange that you were pregnant with #3 when I met you. Also, congrats on the whole working out thing... not sure that I could do that so diligently. You really do look great... good job.

Cannon Clan said...

yeah! that must mean that everthing is going well, i'm so glad! i wonder if cannon will get a brother :)

Jonelle Hughes said...

TACIE!!!!! Congrats! We are on the road together...literally! My birthday is the 20th, so aim for that! ;) I am so excited for you! I am also proud of that buff arm! I hear ya about the nausea. I hear you loud and clear! YEAHHHHHHHHHH!

Cathryn said...

Wow, look at that gun! Nice arm! :)

Congrats on #5! I can't even convince my brain to go for #4. I can't wait to see the next Kerr cutie!

The Lassen Family said...

What exciting news! Congratulations! You continue to amaze me with what you can accomplish - even when pregnant with morning sickness!

Amy Franklin said...

You are amazing! You should feel so good about what you've accomplished! And hooray for a new little one! I told my kids that Sister Kerr is going to have another baby and they said, "Which Sister Kerr?" I can't wait to tell Connie! :)

Sarah said...

That arm is AMAZING! I wish I had one like it!

Congrats on the baby! You have four cuties already. I can't wait to see how cute #5 is!!

Kimi said...

Congratulations! How exciting for you and your family :) And way to workout!

The Piet Girls said...

Woo Hoo! I am so excited for you! You guys have the cutest family. Congratulations! OK, now about your arms. WOW! I am impressed! Way to go on your workout pregnant and all. I am proud of you!

Sue said...

Wow! I am impressed at your mental ability (nevermind physical ability) to go for five children. Four kids have been all I can handle the past couple of weeks... Congratulations, and I hope it all goes smoothly.

I'm on about week 6 of P90x and I DREAD Thursdays. I can't handle turning on the Yoga DVD and seeing that time bar on the bottom that says 1:30:00. Seriously? An hour and a half of yoga makes me crazy.

You're looking really buff! Way to go. I'm impressed you made it all the way through. I got sick last week and started to fail. "Bring it" turned to forget it.

sara said...

Congrats on number 5!! Wow. I remember when there were only 3. Good luck with everything.

thekerrclan said...

I'm more than a little nervous...not sure where to put this one...needing more chairs for the kitchen table...more room in the car...more money for college/weddings/missions/GROCERIES.

But, we are excited - in a happy, crazy, insane, "glad I am not feeling sick at the moment" kind of way!

Miriam said...

Exciting! Your awesome. I'm speechless.

rachel said...

Congratulations on finishing your program! Your arm does look buff! I am so impressed you finished it being as sick as you've been. The nurse who wheeled me into the operation room was talking about the P90x and how much she loved it. She said her husband had already lost over 30 pounds doing it. I think I want to try it.

thekerrclan said...

You guys are funny. My arm is not impressive...but a girl can dream, right?

Sue - let me know what you think of the program -- minus the endless yoga, of course!

Sherrie said...

Congratulations on two things! I am so amazed at you! Finishing your program....and congrats on Kerr-baby #5! I'm so excited for you guys!!!

Dave and Loralee said...

YAY FOR BABIES! You're my hero-workout madwoman and baby maker :)

gregandlaura said...

Hey - Greg and I are half way through the program!! Thats so cool you are doing it too, I also have issues with the yoga. :)

Haley said...

Number 5?! Way to go, don't know if we will make that milestone. Congrats!!

gregandlaura said...

p.s. I can't believe you did it while you were pregnant!!

kerrbc said...

I'm Impressed. It almost makes me want to try it.

Lexie said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys that #5 is coming. Congrats also on finishing the program, it sounds intense, especially pregnant!

Sydney said...

Look how sneaky you were adding in your announcement in the middle of your fitness story! Congrats to you and best of luck with the pregnancy.

Auds Beck said...

you are so brave! Congrats!! Nice bicepts!!!

Michelle Baird Designs said...

Wow! #5! Let me just say SUPER MOM....and dad. Congratulations!

Lester Family said...

Tacie, You Rock! I've always admired your commitment and stamina. Congratulations on the upcoming addition.

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!!! Isn't that the way. You finally get cute and then it's time for your body to go through another change. I'm so impressed with your dedication to your workouts, pregnancy is a great excuse to stop but I wouldn't expect any less from you.