Thursday, June 19, 2008

Time to Potty Train?

Kenzie has no interest in potty-training. I've never been one to force my kids when it comes to this. I've always waited until they were ready and it's been relatively easy.

And yet, she has no interest in keeping her diaper on  -- especially at night. It's not a matter of IF she'll take her diaper off, but WHEN she'll take it off.

This is how I found her the other night when I checked before heading to bed. She was sound asleep - one foot still in her pj's, one cheek hanging out. 

Of course, the bed was soaked.

Perhaps it's time to rethink our philosophies?


The Piet Girls said...

That picture makes me smile! Did I ever mention I am an expert potty trainer! Oh yes my fren! You can pay me $250 per hour to potty train your child! TEE HEE! (Referring to your previous blog on attorney fees.) Good luck with the potty training. It is seriously the worst and I haven't done it for a long time so it's not really fresh on my mind and I still shudder at the thought.

Chatty Family said...

I know you probably don't think this is funny, but... THIS IS FUNNY!!! I love it! Aren't Kenzie and Porter the same age? Good luck with the potty training. You won't see me doing it anytime soon!

Audra said...

How funny! I hope potty training goes well!

thekerrclan said...

I actually do think it's funny -- just one of those things that has just become a regular part of our nightly routine. (Along with 42 trips up the stairs and 42 threats about closing the door, turning the bathroom light off, etc.)

But, since there is no interest in potty training (from either one of us) I guess we'll just have to live with a little exposure for awhile!

Michelle Baird Designs said...

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Regarding Niagara, the adults did need passports, but the kids were good with birth certificates. Good luck with the potty training!

Betsy said...

Hilarious. (sorry, but true!) Good luck with that one.

Sarah said...

I am totally giggling right now! I had one of these children, too! We waited it out, and we were finally potty trained at a little over 3!

I hate potty training! I would rather have a root canal every day for a week (not really, but you get my point)! None of my boys were trained until after 3! I am like you, however, and don't press them until they seem like they want to do it. I might change that once Abbie gets older, though! Only time will tell.

Oh, to think of life without diapers FOREVER!!!!!

tanya said...

I can totally relate. Madelynne went through that stage. For awhile I would just put her diaper on backwards (tabs in back), but soon she figured that out and so I used good old fashioned diaper pins. It made life a lot easier. A lot less laundry too! Good luck!

thekerrclan said...

Putting it on there is a thought that never crossed my mind! I might just give it a try. So far, we've lucked out and the diapers have only been wet. But, I dread when "the other" happens!

Mitzi said...

Tace - I was totally laughing, because I can totally relate. Emma is completely into taking her clothes off at night too. She doesn't stop at the diaper - the shirt or nightgown comes off as well... More times than not I'll find her asleep in the buff when I check on her at night before heading to bed myself. And she's nowhere near being potty trained either... Part of me thinks we should start working on it (it would be nice to only have one child in diapers at a time), but on the other hand, I've got enough going on right now, without wanting to take on one additional thing.

Sue said...

I love the picture.

I'm still in waiting on Sam having the sudden desire to poop on the toilet. He's more than happy to "go potty" and even has a system of climbing up on the toilet and squatting over the toilet (stands on the seat, then squats so it goes in) but refuses to poop. And I refuse to deal with underwear until I'm sure he won't ruin them... Needless to say, potty training isn't my thing. Would love to be done buying diapers, though.

Becky and JJ Campbell said...

Tacie, I hate potty training with a passion but it definitely looks like the time is at hand. We miss you guys.

Eliza said...

Hahahahahaha! Can't help ya there! That is too funny. Isaac would wake up with jammies off but never without the diaper.