Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Have I Mentioned How I Feel About Spiders?

Just like the previous post on this topic, pictures will not be included. That is due, in part, to the fact that we didn't have the camera. But mostly it's due to the fact that I hate spiders. I'll take a picture of myself after having been vomited on...but I refuse to take a picture of a spider. I reiterate...I HATE SPIDERS. Ok.

Today was one of those days. Enough said. Suffice it to say, however, that those kind of days often mean a trip to the drive-thru on our way to some other activity. Today, it was Addysen's Activity Day at church.

I was trying to maneuver my way into traffic while pulling out of the Wendy's parking lot when Cannon let out a scream. Quickly, I slammed on my brakes and asked what the problem was. He indicated that there was a large spider in the backseat. GREAT. If that doesn't make for happy driving, I don't know what does. Quick-thinking me tossed back a napkin and told him to kill it. Unfortunately, it had disappeared somewhere into the abyss, otherwise known as our car. (There's a post for another day!)

I informed him to look for it, while lecturing on the dangers of screaming while in the car.
We pulled into the gas station where I eagerly anticipated spending $65 for 16 gallons of gas. 

Suddenly, while pumping away and cursing the economy, the rain, my straighter-than-straight hair as well as my hunger pains, Addysen let out a blood-curdling scream. Cannon burst into tears. Thankfully, the little girls sat strapped in their carseats, happily munching their oh-so-nutritious chicken nuggets and looking at the rest of us like we were nuts. 

Several of the other gas station patrons glanced our way with the same sort of look in their eyes.

Yes, Addysen had seen the spider and I quote, "IT WAS HUGE!"

She quickly informed Cannon that it was going up the back of Brynnley's seat. Cannon grabbed Kenzie's shoe and started whacking away...inches from Brynnley's head. What can I say? A man on a mission doesn't always remember to look out for the ones he loves. (Another post for another day -- when, as newlyweds, Greg jumped out of a ski tram as an out-of-control blazer came careening down the hill ahead of us. No, I don't think it ever crossed his mind to grab me and throw me out of harm's way.It was every man (or woman) for him/herself.) 

At this point, Brynnley burst into tears. From actual physical harm? Maybe. But it's more likely that she was scared of her sandal-wielding, tear-streaked brother who was trying desperately to kill the stupid spider.

Knowing there was no way to continue our trip without resolving the issue, I unbuckled Brynnley and told her to stay by me in the parking lot. The kids inside the car were still yelling -- at each other -- at the spider -- at the economy -- who knows what?!? I hadn't actually seen the intruder, but I certainly trusted that it was in the car. Cannon reported that it had gone behind Brynnley's carseat so... I began tossing children, and chicken and trash and everything else under the sun out of the car (believe me, everything under the sun is IN that car!)

(Sidenote to my family: Do you remember our camping trip when we left the tent windows open while viewing the sites and it rained all day? I have very vivid memories of pillows and sleeping bags and stuffed animals being thrown out of the tent while choice words escaped parental mouths.) 

I informed Cannon that I was going to remove Brynnley's seat and that he was to kill the spider if he saw it. It was a good plan. Unfortunately, when he did see it again, Cannon screamed, which made me scream and caused me to drop the seat. I yelled for the sandal (the only weapon within reach -- who knew the fact that Kenzie refuses to wear shoes would one day come in handy?) By this point, I had seen the spider and it was huge -- and fast! The only thing worse would have been if it was hairy. But we won't go there.

I started hacking away at the seat and the floor and it disappeared. Addysen claimed to have seen it's guts on the back of Brynnley's chair, but I am not so sure. And that is always bad. Not having a body to verify that the assassination was a success always makes one wonder.

By this point, we had caused quite a scene in the Speedway parking lot. Granted, no one came over to ask if we were ok, or if we needed help. But, one nice man said I reminded him of his daughter. I didn't ask whether or not that was a good thing. 

There was nothing left to do. We'd made a scene. A huge scene. We'd all taken turns screaming and tossing items and jumping around. We couldn't have looked like bigger idiots if we'd tried. Addysen was almost late for her activity. I was still hungry and cursing the rain and the economy (I gave up cursing my straighter-than-straight hair). There was nothing to do but laugh. 

And laugh we did. All the way to the church. 

And all the while, I kept looking in the rearview mirror "just to see."


Haylee said...

Tacie, your stories CRACK ME UP!!
I would have freaked though... I too am a spider-hater! I don't know if I would even have the guts to TRY to kill it.
Anyways, so funny :)

The Piet Girls said...

I am laughing just picturing that scene. I feel the hysteria!

Audra said...

I hate spiders too! Oh but you are so funny! I hope the day got better after that!

Unknown said...

Tacy....where is that big, strong man when you need him?

MetroParks said...

I understand the spider thing. Your story made me laugh but I also felt nausea. Those little creepy guys creep me out! Bluck!

Cannon Clan said...

thanks for the laugh! i had one of those days too, i need to call you soon :)

Oliver and Keisha said...

Tacie--your blogs are so hilarious! Not that the moment, was funny, but that you tell it so great. I would've reacted the same way--and sent Joey in to kill it. Thanks for the laugh and smiles!

Cathryn said...

Oh my goodness, that is HORRIBLE and HILAROIUS all at the same time. The you screaming and Cannon screaming had me LOL. Also, thanks for "cursing the economy" I will feel less guilty doing it myself if you are doing the same. :)

Amy Franklin said...

I would give anything for your strighter-than-straight hair right about now!

annahannah said...

I have a great story about an arachnophobic friend and tent mate at Girl's camp one year. Her daughter and her friends placed a fake spider in her sleeping bag. Even though it was fake, and she knew it was fake, she wouldn't stop screaming until I took it out.

This same friend taught seminary and went into the powder room off the hall when a spider entered. I can't remember if the kids introduced it or not, but knowing kids, they probably did. She stood on top of the toilet and screamed until someone came in and took it out. Good times.

Mitzi said...

I very CLEARLY remember that camping trip.... we were all too horrified at the time to say anything - we knew we should just stay quiet and out of the way - but later (probably MUCH later for Mom) when the tension had dissipated, we found the humor in it. Funny how now that we are moms ourselves, we can totally relate to why she needed to rant.

rachel said...

Tacie, I'm still laughing! You are so funny, I love the way you write!

thekerrclan said...

I remember that.I was listening to my ipod when I saw it and screamed.I tried to unbuckle my seat belt but it wouldn't unbuckle.Finally it did but my ipod got stuck in the car and i didn't really want to bend down to get it because i knew there was a spide on the loose and i didn't know if it had friends or not so i asked cannon to get it but he didn't want to either...huh...huh...so mom finally made him,but he couldn't reach it........I should stop writing.

Jessica said...

You are a GREAT storyteller. Keep writing. And I would glance in my rear view mirror too "just in case"