Thursday, November 13, 2008

Father Knows Best (at least sometimes!)

Given my very pregnant physique, we've had a lot of baby talk around here. 

Today, Brynnley said, "Mom, how does a baby get into your tummy -- even before you know it's there?"
Not quite sure how to respond to her 5-year-old inquiry, I said an oh-so-intelligent, "What?"
She repeated her question. "How does a baby start growing in your tummy even before you know it's there?"
I replied with, "Dad's in the office...go ask him."
So, she did. 

I listened from around the corner as she repeated her question again.
Without even looking up from the computer, Greg said, "Heavenly Father puts it there."
"Oh," came Brynnley's simple reply. Then, seeing me standing in the doorway, she said, "Heavenly Father puts the baby there. Didn't you know that?"

Hmmm...good answer. Why didn't I think of that?


Betsy said...

Love it. Especially how she comes back to report the answer to you. Perfect. So cute.

Sherrie said...

That's awesome! I mean, come on mommy!!! Didn't you know that? ahh...I love little kids

Miriam said...

That's so funny.
I love hearing how fathers answer kids interesting questions. I'm always up for a good chuckle.
BTW How are you? It's getting close..are you ready?

Unknown said...

Great answer. Does he want to come explain the rest of the process to an eight year old that answers that question with "How????"

Katie said...

Haha!! Your response is me to a "T". What? Go ask your dad!
I'll have to steal Greg's answer for future inquiries!

MetroParks said...

I love this and I love Greg's answer. Danny told our 4 year old Sam that daddies help. When Sam later asked how daddies help Danny told him daddies have little seeds that grow in momma tummies. Well Sam thought about that for awhile and then right after I picked up a sister from church to give her a ride somewhere Sam asked, "How can daddy get some of his seeds in your tummy?" Too much info for a 4 year old!!! I told him to ask his dad when we got home. Sam then replied, "Its not fair that only you, Dad and God get to decide when I can have a brother."
I like Greg's answer a lot better!!!

The Beards said...

That is great. I will have to remember that one. I wonder how long I can use that.