Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thankful Jar

A few weeks ago, our high council speaker talked about making a "thankful jar" as a way to focus on all of our blessings. Apparently, Addysen was paying close attention (thanks Gavin!) and decided to make one for family home evening. She did -- and here are some of the results:
* Jesus, Church, the Whole World
* Food (specifically turkey and ravioli)
* Water
* Warm house, sheets, blankets
* Education
* Recess
* Friends, Family, Good Health
* Employment
* When kids listen and obey (this was listed on several days - -by both mom and dad)

And here are a few other "things" for which I am grateful:
* My treadmill (what a great Christmas gift -- 8 years ago. It will be a sad day when it quits working - -and I can't replace)
* That we're about being done with the pregnant stage (oh -- how I wish I could find some pants that would stay up!)
* Raid - allows me to kill my "enemies" from a distance
* Body pillow - (I can't wait to be able to sleep in a position other than my left side (anything else causes charlie horses or breathing difficulties...)
* The ability to reconnect with friends and family through blogging, Facebook and Christmas fun to catch up!
* PURE SLEEP - we took the plunge and made the investment in a mouth guard for Greg - -to try and help with his snoring. It's only been a week or two...but so WORKS! Now, if my bladder...and soon...this baby...would cooperate...I might really be able to get some sleep!


Sherrie said...

Tacie I get those terrible charlie horses in my stomach too. They're the worst things ever!!! Three weeks to go, so exciting for you!!! And all of your Christmas lights/decorations look beautiful!

Cannon Clan said...

sleep? what is that? when do you think we will really get true sleep?