Friday, February 15, 2008

Give A Little Love

"We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves." 
--Henry Ward Beecher

I realize it's a day late...and possibly quite cheesy, but, oh well.

I can say, with quite a bit of certainty, that when my mom made this pillow for me -- 28 years ago-- for Valentine's Day...she had no idea it would last as long, or be as loved as it is.

The original pillow had a sparkly  "T" on the big toe. It probably disappeared sometime during elementary school. The stuffing, once so full and puffy, is all but non-existent now. 

Who could have guessed that this pillow, the final prize in our Valentine's Day treasure hunt that year, would go on to represent so much more than a fun surprise for a 6-year-old? 

Could she have known all the tears and laughs this pillow would experience? Could she have known the love and support it would offer to a 16-year-old, living in Nebraska when her family moved thousands of miles away to Las Vegas?

When she made it, could my mom have known it would make the trip to college, to marriage, to motherhood? And yet, still, it sits on my bed -- all these years later.

I have no doubt that making this pillow was a labor of love...yet, I can almost guarantee that my mom had no idea what treasure she was really making that year....... But, isn't that what moms and dads do -- they love, without fully comprehending the extent of that love? 


Eliza said...

I hope that your tears were also quickly wiped away after your move to Vegas by some fabulous and loving girls you met in PE. ;)

thekerrclan said...

Of course they were...I figured you would remember this pillow? It was definitely a part of sleepovers.

Eliza said...

yes yes I do... I need to go and look at pictures and reminisce. Fun times!