Wednesday, March 19, 2008

13 Down, Eternity To Go


Yesterday was our anniversary. Lucky #13 to be exact. Hard to believe it's been that long. Although, when you get married as mere're not really that old by the time you hit 13 years. (Indulge me.)

I've pondered on which adjectives I should use to describe the unbelievable way in which we celebrated. However, words escape me. (Ok, not really, words rarely escape me.)

Greg got off work at 6:30 he slept for 3.5 hours while I worked out and got the kids off to school. Then, we loaded the little girls in the car, grabbed a few snacks and "the package" and off we went. A quick run through the McDonald's drive-thru and we were on our way.

The weather wasn't great -- but we were not to be deterred. I mean really, this was a once-in-a-lifetime kind of day. How often do you get to celebrate your 13th anniversary?

About 45 minutes later, as we neared our destination the anticipation in the car grew. It's hard to say who was more anxious -- me or the girls. (Brynnley had to go to the bathroom). Slowly, we turned the corner and there it was....

The accountant's office. 

YES! You read that correctly. After hours and hours of searching and sorting receipts, making Excel spreadsheets and checking the bank website...I had our taxes ready to go to the accountant's office. And it's not even April. WHEW! 

Granted, to the average person, this may not be such a significant event -- and certainly not the most sought after way to spend an anniversary. However, since the thought of our taxes dominates a large corner of my cerebral hemisphere from January until "DROP OFF DAY"...this is HUGE. Perhaps now I can sleep again at night. (Not likely). But, at least now my kids can stop trying to catch a leprechaun so that they can make wishes like, "Please let mom finish the taxes!" (True story - just ask Cannon).

The rest of the day was rather anti-climatic. We stopped at the bank, showed one of our properties, caved in to the kids request and ate dinner at Cici's (poor decision on our part), took Addysen to Activity Days, got diapers at Walmart, watched last week's Lost and were in bed by 10:30.

Talk about party people.


Eliza said...

Sounds about right. We've done almost that same day for the last 11 anniversaries. So is life... I keep telling myself be patient, one day.

Sherrie said...

Happy 13th guys! :) And congrats on the taxes...that in itself deserves a celebration!

Lexie said...

Happy Anniversary, that is so exciting. Way to go on the taxes. I have to admit to being glad that we don't have to file Ohio taxes after this year, the whole city tax thing is such a pain and with your rentals I can only imagine what an accomplishment that was. Way to go!

The Piet Girls said...

Congratulations Tacie and Greg! Lucky 13! Can't wait to hear what you do next year! It sounds just like our anniversary only it's not tax season in October, thank goodness. On a side note, will you email me some directions on how you got pictures where you wanted them on your blog? I can't seem to figure that one out.
Happy Anniversary!

lexi said...

Sounds as romantic as our last anniversary! Happy Anniversary.

Cannon Clan said...

happy anniversary!

Betsy said...

Happy Anniversary! Isn't it amazing just how anti-climatic these events are?!? We have done ZERO to celebrate ours for several years running -- we usually get around to going on a date a week or so later. But, getting your taxes in -- hooray! You guys look SO cute in your engagement (?) picture. Time flies is right!!