Monday, March 31, 2008



Greg works all kinds of crazy shifts. His schedule rotates from 6am-6pm every 28 days. So, he's either getting up at 4am and getting home at 7pm, or sleeping at 3pm so he can go to work from 5pm-7am, only to try to sleep in a house full of people until about 10am. I don't know how he does it.

As a result of this "ideal" work schedule, he can't sleep much of the time.  I've tried to convince him that folding laundry is a very efficient way to fill the 1am-4am hours -- but he's not a believer.

Consequently, he watches tv - - usually during prime "informercial hours." And boy, is he a sucker for infomercial purchases.

As a result of his latest 'investment', we have a new workout routine. I was more than ok with my previous routine, but what kind of supportive wife would I be if I had turned down his proposal for us "to get in the best shape of our lives?" Such a sales pitch. ENTER: P90X.

                                                       Trainer Tony Horton with Traci Morrow getting ripped with P90X®!
"P90X is a revolutionary system of 12 sweat-inducing, muscle-pumping workouts, designed to transform your body from regular to ripped in just 90 days...The secret behind the P90X system is an advanced training technique called "Muscle Confusion," which accelerates the results process by constantly introducing new moves and routines so your body never plateaus, and you never get bored!...All you really need is some 'grit-your-teeth' commitment."

Yes, apparently, we think we can relive our athletic glory days. Too bad high school was many years, many children, and many sleepless nights ago.

It's been a week -- and so far, so good. Or so I thought. 

We set the alarm every day during Spring Break (no small feat for "anti-mornings" me.) We've been sore -- but that's always a good indicator of a challenging workout, right? I pushed through -- despite my illness. It's too soon to see any really visible results, but we've been consistent and tried to follow the program. (Sidenote: -- I even spent 20 minutes looking for hummus at the grocery store. I'd heard of it -- knew it was some sort of dip -- but had never been very motivated to actually try it.  I was thrilled to find out it is "wholesome chick peas, olive oil and garlic." Can you say YUM with a capital Y? (No offense meant to you hummus lovers - - and actually, it's really not bad.)

The initial workouts consist of: weights, push-ups, pull-ups, plyometrics, yoga, abs, bands and kenpo. I do better with the exercise than I do the nutrition, (I know - I need to get over the idea that high protein intake just equals high calories) but like I said, we're trying.

So, imagine how happy I was yesterday, when before church Cannon said, "Mom, it kind of looks like you are going to have a baby." Ouch. 

I'm a tough girl though, so I let that comment roll off my less-than-rock-hard-self and recommitted to another week of "doing my best and forgetting the rest."

Keeping in line with the program, being the fully committed individuals that we are, we took the obligatory "BEFORE" pictures so that we can also, eventually, take the "AFTER" pictures. It's a little scary to post these photos for all the world to see...but hey, we're committed, right? Please just be kind when passing judgements. And bear in mind, that I have given birth to 4 children, the smallest of which was 8lbs 12oz, 21.5". Stop scrolling now if you don't want to be subjected to our 'before' photos.




H.Cook said...

holy cow, I can't believe you had such big babies!!

Miriam said...

Hey, sounds like a good workout. Your before pictures are great! After you go through the initial time frame, let me know if you'd recommend it! If you really like hummus then check out Giant Eagle-they have a great local garlic hummus that is really good. I think it is from Amirs' Restaurant that used to be right up the street from us.

Unknown said...

Oh yea Tacie, that's all you need is a new workout program. They still talk about the crazy blond woman that would lift a million pounds during the power-flex classes. Hope it goes well though.

thekerrclan said...

Thanks for the good laugh. I thought it was obvious...but just for clarification...those are NOT our current "before" pictures! They were meant as a joke. Greg's is an actual picture taken when he was about 18 -- and my face is cut out and stuck on the photo of a swimsuit model. IN MY DREAMS!

So far -- the workout is fun.

thekerrclan said...

Uh...ya that's not you!That is a picture of some person and you cut out your head and put it on.Funny Mom!

rachel said...

How funny! I LOVE reading your posts!!!

Season said...

I've heard about the work out program. In fact I just watched like a 30-minute info-mercial on it the other day at the gym while I was running. Let me know how it goes!

Eliza said...

Curtis did the the old Power 90 a while ago but sorry to say that he never finished it. I actually started a workout plan of my own Yesterday... but I forgot to workout, no joke. I did do sit-ups so........

Lexie said...

You look fabulous as always! I think your real before picture would even look better than the one you posted, though I did get a real kick out of it. One of my friends here in Virginia is trying the same thing and said it is the hardest workout she's ever done. I SO admire you! Good luck and know you're not alone on the tummy comment, before I was pregnant, Lydia told someone I was pregnant and later I remarked to Todd, I know I look pregnant, but still, it's hard to hear it. Todd said I didn't and Lydia said, "Yes she does, I'll show you where, right here!" And pointed out my belly, ahh kids!

Sherrie said...

You go! WOW! What a workout! two are in great shape, this whole thing just cracks me up, and YOU ARE THE WOMAN for being so supportive to your husband and going through with it! Woo haa!

Bridi said...

It was so good to hear from you. It look like your doing great. Your baby is really growing up. They are all adorable!

Michelle Baird Designs said...

You go girl. And FAVORITE. At the West Side market you can buy all sorts of flavors. And your before pictures are FABULOUS, can't wait to see the after pics!

Cathryn said...

Great post!

I did love the poster that commented that she "forgot to exercise!" on day one of her new diet. Haha! I like this person!

lexi said...

I saw that same infomercial and can't wait to start the program after this baby is out! As a side note: Roasted Red Pepper Hummus is really good!!

Mitzi said...

I love Cannon's comment. Ahhh...the brutal honesty of kids!

I read a couple of chapters of "The Little House on the Prairie" series to the kids at bedtime, and we rotate whose bed we lay in while reading. Last night it was Grey's turn to be in his bed. He said to me, "Mom, I moved my stuffed animals so that I could make lots of room for you, since your belly is getting so big, because otherwise you wouldn't fit." How sweet of him! :)